My TEDx Talk

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My paintings on silk in a living room at New Jersey


Unknown said...

This is really awesome,looks fantastic.i admire all ur work but tis is over top of all ur master piece.Lovely work.Can u tell me the length and width of the paintings?i wud like to draw one like tis,i want to get ur permission before i start.i came across tis when i was searching for an unique madhubani idea.can u pls give me permission to draw one like tis with little modification?expecting ur reply:)

Vidushini Prasad said...

Thanks for your compliment. This was done on a half meter silk cloth. You can modify but please don't use it for commercial purpose..Thanks

Unknown said...

Thank u so much,so kind of u.I'm going to gift tis painting to my husband on his birthday. tis will decorate our living room soon,i will never use tis for commercial purpose.Thanks again :)

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