My TEDx Talk

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

My Madhubani Painting Titled "Celebration of Life" on IHC Lok Sangeet Sammelan Invite

Madhubani painting titled 'Celebration of Life' done by me has been chosen as the overall theme visual for the 'Celebrating the rivers of India', Organised by India Habitat Centre as a part of IHC Lok Sangeet Sammelan to be staged at Stein Auditorium in Delhi on the 22nd and 23rd of August. Sudha Raghuraman from Delhi, Gulzar Ahmad Ganie from Kashmir, Nozrul Islam from Assam, Rituparna Banerjee from Bengal &Basanti Devi from Kumaun are the folk musicians from different parts of the country who will perform in this year’s Lok Sangeet Sammelan singing ballads of Ganga, Brahmaputra, Narmada, Krishna, Kaveri and other rivers of India. 

Those in Delhi should attend this event. Details below.

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